

Los maestros de este cole seguimos en constante evolución y reciclaje. Este curso hemos comenzado a usar la aplicación plickers. Se trata de una aplicación en la que se descargan unos códigos (cada alumno tiene el suyo y son todos diferentes). A continuación se muestran en la pizarra digital una serie de preguntas con 4 posibles opciones. El alumno levantará su código con la respuesta que crea correcta hacia arriba. En ese momento el maestro con la cámara de su tablet, que tiene instalada la aplicación, recoge los resultados. Automáticamente el alumno verá en la pizarra si su elección ha sido correcta o en qué pregunta ha fallado. Ha resultado ser una herramienta muy práctica que, sin duda, seguiremos utilizando.

The teachers of this school are in constant evolution and recycling. This course we have started using the plickers application. It is an application in which codes are downloaded (each student has his own and they are all different). Next, a series of questions with 4 possible options are shown on the digital board. The student will raise his code with the answer he thinks is correct up. At that moment the teacher with the camera of his tablet, which has the application installed, collects the results. Automatically the student will see on the board if his choice has been correct or in what question he has failed. It has turned out to be a very practical tool that, without a doubt, we will continue using.


Learning English as we already know, should be done in a playful way. For this I use different techniques and games. In the children's classes of 5 years, the children saw and heard a story told with the kamishibai technique. It was called "Wow said the owl". The little ones were very attentive and they liked it a lot because they also had colorful feathers that flew around the class according to the color that appeared in the story. It was a very funny experience.

El aprendizaje del inglés como ya sabemos, debe hacerse de una forma lúdica. Para ello utilizo diferentes técnicas y juegos. En las clases de infantil de 5 años, los niños vieron y escucharon un cuento contado con la técnica del kamishibai. Se llamaba "Wow said the owl". Los pequeños estuvieron muy atentos y les gustó mucho ya que además aparecían plumas de colores que volaban por la clase según el color que aparecía en el cuento. Fue una experiencia muy divertida.

The first yoga experience

Last week was the first time that the first-year  and 5 years students tested the English yoga class and came away delighted. As in the rest of the courses, this activity will be carried out in alternate weeks. In these classes, you will always practice the vocabulary and grammar that you are working in English class but through a yoga session.
La semana pasada fue la primera vez que los/as alumnos/as de 1º e infantil probaban la clase de English yoga y salieron encantados. Al igual que en el resto de los cursos, esta actividad se realizará en semanas alternas. En estas clases, siempre se practicará el vocabulario y la gramática que se esté trabajando en clase de inglés pero a través de una sesión de yoga.


This year the Halloween party has been made through a yoga class for students of 5th and 6th grade. We had a great time imagining that we were a witch traveling to the cemetery. There, they found ingredients for their potion such as frogs, snakes and spiders. We were realizing the poses of these animals and finally we got the final potion. The witch was transformed with it into a very lovely character who gave kisses and hugs to everyone. Finally, the relaxation part was transformed into a mindfulness session painting the face of the character that each one chose.

For the 1st graders, we prepare two songs and we danced in the playground have been prepared. One was to prepare a potion of a witch with various animals such as frogs, snakes and bats. It's been a fun party and we've all had a great time. Happy Halloween!

New yoga classes

This year, we are going to continue using yoga to learn English in a funny form. The last week, the pupils in 5º and 1º classes was testing it. They liked a lot! The next week, we´ll have an special yoga class about Halloween. Are you ready?

Este año continuaremos usando el yoga para aprender inglés de una forma divertida. La semana pasada, l@s alumn@s de 1º y 5º pudieron probarlo. ¡Les gustó mucho! La próxima semana, tendrán una clase especial sobre Halloween. ¿Estás preparado?


There are some videos teaching the past simple



During this month, the pupils in the 5º classes have made a new project called "Handmade tote bags". Taking into acount that they learnt the past simple of the regular verbs in English and the middle ages history in Spanish and social subject, we decided to do something related with this period of time. So they was doing a handmade tote bags to sell in the solidary market prepared in the typical art week in our school. The money obtained with the seller, goes to the "Dongoyo" town in Togo.

Durante este mes, los alumnos de las clases de 5º han realizado un nuevo proyecto llamado "Bolsos de tela hechos a mano". Teniendo en cuenta que aprendieron el pasado simple de los verbos regulares en inglés y la historia de la Edad Media en lengua y el sociales, decidimos hacer algo relacionado con este período de tiempo. Así que estaban haciendo bolsas de tela para vender en el mercado solidario preparado en la típica semana de arte en nuestra escuela. El dinero obtenido con la venta va a la ciudad de "Dongoyo" en Togo.

You can see here the final result.

Aquí podéis ver el resultado final del proyecto